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9 Metabolism Boosting Foods to Speed Up Weight Loss

Our metabolism may be controlled by our genetic makeup, but there are countless nutrients and foods that can influence its efficiency. You can pick out countless nutrients and natural produce to boost up your metabolism and trigger the natural fat-burning process to lose weight without any synthetic influences.

We’ve picked out 9 amazingly delicious and easy-to-find foods that will boost up your metabolism naturally.

Here, take a look:

1. Egg Whites Eggs happen to be one of the richest sources of protein and vitamin D, and the egg white is the most nutritious part of the egg. You see, egg whites are brimming with branched-chain amino acids, which speed up the metabolism and trigger rapid fat-burning. Moreover, a hearty breakfast comprising of eggs will also suppress your appetite and keep you satiated for hours.

2. Coffee A recent attempted to examine the benefits of drinking caffeinated and decaf coffee. The results revealed that the average metabolic rate of individuals who consumed caffeinated coffee turned out to be 16% higher than individuals who consumed decaf coffee.

3. Water Research reveals that most unwanted pangs of hunger arise due to excessive dehydration, and instead of quenching our thirst, we treat ourselves to food. You see, even the mildest episodes of dehydrated tend to slow down our metabolism and the natural fat burning process within the body.

4. Green Tea Green tea contains EGCG, a powerful plant-based compound that encourages fat-burning and speeds up the metabolism.  Make a habit of drinking at least 3-4 cups of green tea, they will not only burn your calories, but also promote feelings of calmness and eliminate anxiety.

5. Milk Research reveals that the consumption of calcium allows the body to metabolize fat quickly and efficiently, along with speeding up the fat burning process.

6. Chili Peppers Chili peppers don’t just delight the taste buds, but they also speed up the metabolism and encourage rapid fat burning within the body. They are brimming with a naturally occurring chemical compound called capsaicin, which boosts up the metabolism, and triggers weight loss.  Nutritionists and weight loss experts widely recommend the addition of one tablespoon finely chopped chilli peppers to every meal, or at least, once a day.

7. Lean Meat Iron deficiencies can slow down our metabolism and the fat burning process, and if you want to lose all those unwanted pounds, you need to make sure your body is sufficiently stocked on iron. Lean meat is a splendidly rich source of iron, and you can devour it in countless delicious recipes.  Be sure to add at least three to four iron-rich meals to your daily diet. You can pick out chicken, and fortified cereals to help you reach your daily iron requirement.

8. Whole Grains Whole grains are an essential part of our daily diet for they tend to be rich in fiber, which is a powerhouse nutrient that tones down inflammation and enhances the fat burning process within the body. Whole grains, such as oatmeal and brown rice, fill you up, keep you satiated for longer hours, suppress your appetite and help you burn twice more fat.  You see, whole grains aid the body in breaking down, processing and eliminating wastes of processed grains, such as pastas and white bread.  Be sure to add brown rice and oatmeal to your daily diet to tone down your waistline.

9. Lentils Research reveals that nearly 20% women tend to have a severe iron deficiency, which also causes them to hoard up heaps of fats on their waistline. You see, with a strong iron deficiency, the human body becomes inefficient, and its ability to burn calories and eliminate fats gets diminished.  In order to make sure your body burns all the calories and unwanted fats, brim up your diet with heaps of irons.

One cup of lentils is all you need to give your body a whopping 35% of your daily iron requirement. You can toss lentils into your salads, stews, baked delights, dip sauces, and even your casserole meals.
